Friday, 30 March 2012


Finding all the part of Adaptive Street Lighting System model for the FYP presentation and competition. These are the main parts of this Adaptive Street Lighting System.

This plywood is used as a base for this model to make it more reliable and not easy to bend and damage the model.

Polystyrene is attach before the Black Mounting board is attach. It is used for making wiring path.

Black Mounting Board
Black Mounting board is act like a street in this model.

White Tape
So this White Tape will be the road lines for this model.

Adjustable wall lamp
This type of wall lamp will be the light pole for the project.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


After develop the PCB board, the component's holes being drilled and the component being assemble on the board.
The process are shown as below;

Drill the component's holes

Controller board
LDR board
Component finish assemble on PCB board

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Make a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for a change to our project bread board. It will be more simpler, more orderly, and smaller size. Here is the process of making a PCB by using BMI PCB workshop.
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks or signal traces etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.

UV Exposure Box
UV Exposure Box
UV light is exposed to the presensitized copper clad boards. The transparency blocks traces that you want to leave on the board. When the board is immersed in the developer solution, the green enamel is dissolved away wherever light was exposed. Then, wherever there is no enamel and just copper.

PCB Salt
This PCB Salt is used to dissolved the copper at board.

PCB Etching Machine
This is the process where to clear all the cooper on top of the board and only left a cooper that we printed before.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Using PROTEUS ARES software to design PCB layout for 3 different circuit which are controller circuit, ldr circuit, and power supply circuit.
The design are shown as follows:~
Controller Circuit

LDR Sensor Circuit

Power Supply Circuit

Thursday, 8 March 2012


LDR and Controller circuit being construct on BreadBoard

The circuit being constructed on breadboard for testing and troubleshooting methods.
The LDR circuit function as we expected.
The controller circuit did not work after the construction being made. We continue to troubleshooting the circuit by referring to the connection between the components. After several days, we found that the value of the ceramic capacitor did not work for the design. We change the capacitor with another value of it which is before this we used 1nF and we change it to 33pF. The circuit functioning as we needed.

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Went to Jalan Pasar to buy the components for the 3 main circuit which is controller, light sensor, power supply circuits.
The main components is shown as below:~
AC Capacitor
PIC 16F877A 

LDR sensor 
Micro Sensor Switch